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Accepting my Awards at the Female Eye Film Festival


Essmat Sophie In Cannes Film Awards


Essmat Sophie's Statement at New York Film Festival. Festival Imagine This Woman Fim Festival

Essmat Sophie- Book Event- Oslo March 2024- Dancing Amid Fire, Rising Above Ruins

8. March 2024- Norway- Speech- Woman. Life, Freedom Movement

Literary Award Ceremony- Ordknappen and The King's Medal of Merit In Norway

Sherko Bekas poems in Norwegian school textbook

All Women Protest Violence/ Essmat Sophie

Publishers interview about Essmat Sophie's book
(In the Storms eye) - عصمت صوفیه/ له چاوی زریاندا

Ordkanppen Prize to Essmat Sophie and May Harldsen. Sherko Bekas

One Legged angels

Essmat Sophie and Bayan Azizi. Kurdish and Iranina
#Me Too

Feminism and Nationalism by Essmat Sophie
( فمینیسم و ناسیونالیسم/ عصمت صوفیه)

Essmat Sophie- Poem about Shengal
عصمت صوفیه . شعری برای شنگال

Information Litteracy /Teaching how to search in Databases (Oslo University College)


Valg 2013 Norge Essmat Sophie/ Sophie Essmat


Sherko Bekas poems in Norwegian school textbook

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